Thanks Diogenes Lamp
People started filling the square from two in the afternoon to the time it handed out flags of both countries. No lack of blankets only party that supports AMLO: "Welcome President Evo Morales of Bolivia State." Hundreds of people were against the metal detector arches have been installed by the political delegation, the SSP-GDF and the Estado Mayor Presidencial (EMP) at the entrance to the Garden Hidalgo.
metal fences containing anxious people who wanted to see happen to Evo Morales in every aisle of the garden Coyoacan group were in charge of the PRD Mason Peaceful Civil Resistance, with little organization and many complaints did their work as best they could, while the people shouted excitedly: "Outside (die) Calderón"
Finally the procession arrived ten minutes before five in the afternoon. The protocol companions got out of their vehicles, some familiar faces: Marti Batres, Gerardo Fernandez Norona and Porfirio Munoz Ledo, who did not waste any moment of confusion between incense and receptions, to throw a furtive puffs on a cigarette.
Evo went hurriedly towards people who cheerfully waved Bolivian and Mexican flags to disappear a few minutes inside one of the tents delegation Coyoacán was installed. When he left he went directly to the temple, where he was greeted with screams from thousands of throats: Evo, Evo, Evo!
The speeches kicked some particularly booed as Raul Flores, CEO of Coyoacán. Others, on the predictable tone and no one seems to tolerate. Among some groups of people, trying to rush speakers listened: Evo, Evo, Evo!
When at last the awaited moment arrived, Evo Morales held that the commitment of all social and popular movement also should focus on the urgent need to preserve life on Earth, said the capitalist system is not the solution to the major problems of mankind and stressed that to govern, you first need to listen to the people and subordinate to it. Evo's speech ended with hopeful words: "A lot of brothers and sisters force, soon Mexico be released, "while the Internet was beginning a battle between Mexico's Trending Topics Twitter, showing that intolerance is just between those with access to more resources including technology and fear their own ignorance than those who have, many times, their courage and dignity.

Finally the procession arrived ten minutes before five in the afternoon. The protocol companions got out of their vehicles, some familiar faces: Marti Batres, Gerardo Fernandez Norona and Porfirio Munoz Ledo, who did not waste any moment of confusion between incense and receptions, to throw a furtive puffs on a cigarette.

Evo went hurriedly towards people who cheerfully waved Bolivian and Mexican flags to disappear a few minutes inside one of the tents delegation Coyoacán was installed. When he left he went directly to the temple, where he was greeted with screams from thousands of throats: Evo, Evo, Evo!

The speeches kicked some particularly booed as Raul Flores, CEO of Coyoacán. Others, on the predictable tone and no one seems to tolerate. Among some groups of people, trying to rush speakers listened: Evo, Evo, Evo!

When at last the awaited moment arrived, Evo Morales held that the commitment of all social and popular movement also should focus on the urgent need to preserve life on Earth, said the capitalist system is not the solution to the major problems of mankind and stressed that to govern, you first need to listen to the people and subordinate to it. Evo's speech ended with hopeful words: "A lot of brothers and sisters force, soon Mexico be released, "while the Internet was beginning a battle between Mexico's Trending Topics Twitter, showing that intolerance is just between those with access to more resources including technology and fear their own ignorance than those who have, many times, their courage and dignity.
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