Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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Evo Morales: Unit will lead to real independence of Latin America (Interview TeleSURtv)

ABI / TeleSURtv
Cancun, MEXICO, Feb 23 (ABI) - Bolivian President Evo Morales said in Cancun, the motor unit as the real independence of Latin America and the region said that Argentina will defend a potential conflict over the Falkland Islands, at the southern end of the world.

The Head of State made these statements in an interview with Telesur television multistate within the framework of the Rio Group Summit, held in this Mexican resort.

The agency ABI reproduced below in extenso the interview.

Telesur (TS): how to raise the regional release?

Evo Morales (EM): There is a certain form of freedom from internal and external enemies, like people, they originate and workers, is with the unit, with proposed programmatic and ideological, but also in mobilizing demands for our peoples.

TS: Why will require a regional organization without the U.S.?

EM: Here's an example of Honduras, where the U.S. military bases. Democracy is not respected. Where there is an empire with their policies blackmailers and their conditions, no development for that country and, above all, there is no social peace. It is therefore the best time as presidents of the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean. New organisms may be in without the United States and thus free our peoples from Latin America and the Caribbean.

TS: And what a new regional body if they are different?

EM: Sooner or later CAN be added to UNASUR and MERCOSUR. Son of the South, but we need a space and a Latin American organization, which means they are South America, Central America and, especially, the countries of the Caribbean to band together without the United States. UNASUR is a region and the CAN is another small region and the countries of ALBA that we are with our peoples is also reduced in liberated countries and consolidating the release of the empire, but if we are with this new body presidents, governments throughout Latin America, is another task of without the United States presidents.

The president should know that if they are still the neoliberal model or pro or pro-capitalist imperialism, but they should know where is the United States there is no development for their countries, the United States where there is no release of our peoples and Latin America and the Caribbean can no longer be the U.S. backyard.

TS: And what should be the structure of this new body to prevent an organism becomes so dysfunctional as others in the region?

EM .- This is a process and from the moment we met in Brazil, 14 months ago, has been very important statements about Cuba and in relation to migrants, for example, but everything is in documents Now is the best time of how to implement our proposals. As countries of the Latin American and the Caribbean. We have an obligation and gestate some proposals to make us respect as Latin American countries, as opposed to rule by example. Last year, after taking out a consensus document on the economic blockade of Cuba I said that if the U.S. does not lift the blockade retire all our ambassadors, to make us respect, why some presidents were frightened, but no matter, so say everything is a process that Latin America is respected by the U.S..

But I would say the experience in Bolivia, without America, without the International Monetary Fund are better than before. Solidarity is important in the context of complementarity to ensure the process of liberation in Latin America.

TS: "This new organization would be parallel to the OAS and the OAS and would not make sense to exist?

EM: I feel that first, for example, the Rio Group will disappear and, second, much depends on how to accelerate this new organization to get rid of imperialism. Third, the OAS will continue dying as it is now in its last throes, but much depends on the presidents of the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean.

TS: What message would be giving Latin America and the Caribbean to the United States to conform to the regional bloc?

EM: I would say the president s should join, but the people are united in their majority, are anti-imperialist people of Latin America from colonial times and the struggles for independence, but what he plays is that presidents unite our people that are anti-imperialist and unity of peoples to the unity of the presidents of governments, will a final release of U.S. imperialism.

TS: One issue that threatened to divide the UNASUR was the military agreement between the U.S. and Colombia. To what extent the installation of military bases would also be an element of conflict within the Rio Group?

EM: While some countries to share these inhuman policies of capitalism as a capitalism with industrialization there will still be irrational and unlimited this kind of bases. Remember last year at the Summit of the Americas, President (Barack) Obama said: "There is no senior partners and junior partners," but send troops, consolidating military bases and new military bases in Latin America and that is why it is important a new OAS without the U.S.. We

differences with some presidents, never mind, just be with the presidents of governments and not going to do with the peoples of Latin America, that's the big advantage to free the United States.

TS: But not only the U.S. has an interest geo in the region. Britain also requires resources in Argentina to these claims.

EM: All of Latin America and the Caribbean we will join Argentina to defend the Falkland Islands and we are convinced that the islands are Argentina and, therefore, is Latin America, but some empires that failed, as the British Empire Roman Empire and many empires that failed attempt to impose policies in Latin America and the current situation is far more important to get together.

What is the difference between British and U.S. have a single policy of interventionism, of expansionism and Latin America must unite with their people and presidents of governments to defend the sovereignty and territory of Latin Americans.

Organizers of the summit of heads of state there is no wrong, fortunately has not been invited, the new president of Honduras course, is undesirable at this summit of heads of state.

TS: President, on Haiti's most traditional aid proposals have become increasingly dependent on this country, what would be proposed to this meeting?

EM: Any cooperation with Haiti must be not to geopolitical interests, cooperation must be from state to state, cooperation is being done in the world, the peoples of the world can not be to the business of private sector or NGOs.

TS: We're in a period of presidential and legislative elections in Latin America. How do you envisions the Latin American scene with the progress that already shows right in the region with new governments?

EM: I think that people identify the enemy within, the national oligarchies are the best tools of American imperialism, the parties of the neoliberal descendants still survive in some countries, political parties in the service of transnational capitalism or service. At the time that our people identify easily defeat internal enemies internal and external conspiracies to revolutionary processes.

TS: And, for example, with the new rightwing government in Chile, what course could take Bolivia's maritime claim.

EM: Fortunately there is an agreement between states, based on 13 points, and the theme of the sea is within 13 points, so whatever the government is going to continue this dialogue with the sea theme , is very respectful of our request to the new authorities of the Chilean people.

TS: Chairman, you and your history as the first indigenous president and recently re-appointment for the first time in history a joint ministerial team of men and women. What do you mean by that?

EM: There are historical claims, first of indigenous peoples, the most humiliated, offended, discriminated against, hated in society. Second, also women of different social classes were the most excluded, then I thought that discrimination against indigenous discrimination, women are discriminated against, marginalized women, then the help I have the most marginalized, indigenous and women, we are the solution for our people of Bolivia.

TS: Yet another of these appointments have been controversial. What do you say to those who accuse him of hand-picking representatives of the judiciary?

EM: There are people who protest, the Bolivian people very happy to start a revolution in the judiciary. The appointment of 18 judicial authorities are not family or friends of Evo Morales, of the 18 knew only two, Dr. Lino Fernandez, Oruro, and Dr. Freddy Torres, of Cochabamba. The others did not know. I made inquiries with some law schools, I consulted the social movements, parliamentarians to choose the best lawyer, best lawyer to have a revolution within the judiciary.

A tremendous acceptance, very happy, now much depends on this team of lawyers and lawyers to allow the advance of a major restructuring of the judiciary.

TS: With its most recent election victory and the new Assembly Plurinational what extent consolidates the process of change in your country?

EM: You are consolidated. Right-wing parties were calling for two-thirds approve rules, now the Bolivian people have two-thirds in the Senate, two thirds Deputies, so the right does not have complain about two-thirds. The first Legislative Assembly Plurinational has the obligation to implement, implement the new State Constitution.

TS: And what would be the most significant challenges to face in the near future by this process?

EM: The industrialization of our natural resources is an investment in the productive sector so as not to miss food for the people of Bolivia, is also the installation of hydroelectric plants in many places that Mother Earth gives us, is a huge investment to have economic growth and economic growth benefits to microeconomics, ie, the small family.

We secured macroeconomic stability, democracy guaranteed. What is now playing tackle poverty, that is our struggle.

RedCentral / cc / acl ABI

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