Friday, November 5, 2010
Is Implantation Heavier With Twins
The visit of the image of the Virgen del Carmen Pilgrim
is no doubt that our country has experienced some impressive. We started the year with the earthquake and tsunami and have accompanied the drama of the miners trapped in the bowels of the earth. Perhaps most shocking to all believers has been a tremendous crisis experienced in the ranks of the clergy. Yet we recover from the shocking and painful it was for all this misery to look where you least expect to find it. We know that God is provident and drives the story, which is why we watch wondering what we mean by these aftershocks as strong. At first glance we can see how difficult and painful moments have been brought forth from the depths of the hearts of our countrymen the best of them. The movement of solidarity that sprang spontaneously to the misery and clear signs of faith are a testimony that something valuable is sucediente because the Lord wants to give special goods through these events. Placed in context we would like to analyze the significance of the pilgrimage of the image of the Virgen del Carmen, gifted and blessed by the Pope, to all corners of the country. For those who have tracked the passage of that image for the various corners of Chile seems clear that life has awakened. It has been greeted with warmth and anticipation. Now your visit will be in our Archdiocese of Santiago.
order to fully understand the significance of this event, as well as the shocking events that we lived, we must place ourselves in the context of the Bicentennial of the Great Continental Mission. The visit of the image of the Virgin gives the perspective that raises Aparecida: An urgent call for the formation of authentic missionary disciples. The Holy Father, in giving its approval for implementation of the Fifth Conference of Bishops in Aparecida posed a clear line: "We need to start all in Christ." A major renovation the Church is given only to the extent that we are again how essential it is to follow Christ as disciples. The Church has always considered Mary not only as the Mother of Christ, but also as his companion and collaborator, is Mother and Educator of the disciples. At the Conference of Puebla, is called "Educator of the Faith." Thus the image path aims primarily recalling the mission she has in the education of the faith and prepare us to let us educate and enliven her. Not enough to praise it and ask for help, we must open ourselves to the formative influence.
The image of the Virgin Mary reminds us that, as a collaborator of Christ in the whole plan of redemption, bringing two gifts: His Son Jesus and the Gospel. Jesus, who is represented in the Child 
held by his mother, is the source of vitality we need to renew deeply in faith and the Gospel of Chile shows the way of life which he proposes. The yearning that lies deep in our hearts
we receive such a visit is symbolic of faith filled. We are close to a change of pastor. We ask the Blessed Virgin that we have to welcome the new archbishop to be appointed by the Holy Father to of you can continue to promote vigorously the process of renewal of the Church. This renewed Church must become light in the world and source of unity. The image will visit several hospitals in our Archdiocese. We hope that the welcome is earnest and lucid. All of us have to take Mary into our hearts.
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