VATICAN, November 18, 1910 / 10:06 a.m. (ACI) .- Benedict XVI says that the so-called "reproductive health"-a term commonly used to include contraception and abortion-fertilization in vitro and the legalization of euthanasia, among other practices, wound the human being and justice in health should be a priority of governments and international institutions. The Pope made this statement in a message sent to Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, and the participants of the 25th International Conference of the Pontifical Council held in Rome these days under the slogan "For a health care and human egalitarian, in light of the" Caritas in veritate ". The Holy Father indicated in the text that" unfortunately with positive and encouraging results, there are opinions and ways of thinking "that hurt the health justice and the man:" I am referring to issues such as those related to the so-called 'reproductive health', with the use of artificial breeding techniques that involve the destruction of embryos, or the legalization of euthanasia. " Given this scenario, the Pope referred necessary" love of justice, protection of life from conception to natural death, respect for the dignity of every human being "that" must be sustained and witnessed, even against the tide: the basic ethical values \u200b\u200bare the common heritage of universal morality and foundation of democratic coexistence. "Benedict XVI explained then "It is necessary to act more intensively at all levels so that the right to health to be effective, promoting access to primary health care."
Friday, November 19, 2010
Cubase 5 Dongle Emulation For Mac
Benedict XVI: "Reproductive Health" Justice strikes a human being should be a priority health governments and international institutions
VATICAN, November 18, 1910 / 10:06 a.m. (ACI) .- Benedict XVI says that the so-called "reproductive health"-a term commonly used to include contraception and abortion-fertilization in vitro and the legalization of euthanasia, among other practices, wound the human being and justice in health should be a priority of governments and international institutions. The Pope made this statement in a message sent to Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, and the participants of the 25th International Conference of the Pontifical Council held in Rome these days under the slogan "For a health care and human egalitarian, in light of the" Caritas in veritate ". The Holy Father indicated in the text that" unfortunately with positive and encouraging results, there are opinions and ways of thinking "that hurt the health justice and the man:" I am referring to issues such as those related to the so-called 'reproductive health', with the use of artificial breeding techniques that involve the destruction of embryos, or the legalization of euthanasia. " Given this scenario, the Pope referred necessary" love of justice, protection of life from conception to natural death, respect for the dignity of every human being "that" must be sustained and witnessed, even against the tide: the basic ethical values \u200b\u200bare the common heritage of universal morality and foundation of democratic coexistence. "Benedict XVI explained then "It is necessary to act more intensively at all levels so that the right to health to be effective, promoting access to primary health care." "In our time we are witnessing, on the one hand, attention to health is at risk of becoming drug consumption, medical and surgical, becoming a cult of the body, and secondly, the difficulty of millions people to access the minimum living conditions and essential drugs to heal. "
After highlighting that" it is important to establish a real guarantee distributive justice to all, on the basis of objective needs, appropriate cures, "Pope says "The world of health can not evade the moral rules that should govern not to become inhuman." VATICAN, November 18, 1910 / 10:06 a.m. (ACI) .- Benedict XVI says that the so-called "reproductive health"-a term commonly used to include contraception and abortion-fertilization in vitro and the legalization of euthanasia, among other practices, wound the human being and justice in health should be a priority of governments and international institutions. The Pope made this statement in a message sent to Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, and the participants of the 25th International Conference of the Pontifical Council held in Rome these days under the slogan "For a health care and human egalitarian, in light of the" Caritas in veritate ". The Holy Father indicated in the text that" unfortunately with positive and encouraging results, there are opinions and ways of thinking "that hurt the health justice and the man:" I am referring to issues such as those related to the so-called 'reproductive health', with the use of artificial breeding techniques that involve the destruction of embryos, or the legalization of euthanasia. " Given this scenario, the Pope referred necessary" love of justice, protection of life from conception to natural death, respect for the dignity of every human being "that" must be sustained and witnessed, even against the tide: the basic ethical values \u200b\u200bare the common heritage of universal morality and foundation of democratic coexistence. "Benedict XVI explained then "It is necessary to act more intensively at all levels so that the right to health to be effective, promoting access to primary health care."
Pope also notes that" only if you look at the world through the eyes of the Creator, who is looking for love, humanity will learn to live in the land in peace and justice, fairly allocating land and resources for the good of every man and woman. "
Finally, Pope Benedict XVI expressed his hope that" the adoption of a development model based on paper human central in promoting and participating in the common good, responsibility, awareness of the need to change lifestyle and prudence, a virtue that indicates what has to be done today, forecast of what can happen tomorrow. "
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