Friday, November 19, 2010

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In my writings in the Caribbean

reproduce, as a homeje, the second time the government recognizes the TV producer, considered the country's most complete artist

TV producer Freddy Beras Goico was annealing yesterday by President Leonel Fernandez, with the Order of Duarte Sanchez y Mella Merit in grade of Grand Officer, for his artistic career, his social commitment and promotion of values \u200b\u200bthrough the media.
The solemn ceremony, led by President Leonel Fernández and First Lady Margarita Cedeno de Fernandez, began at 1:00 pm at the Hall of Ambassadors of the National Palace, where the president won the award and delivered the parchment containing the Decree 862-09, which gives credence to the highest official distinction that gives the government Dominican.
In the room, which was attended by several of the arts, business, government officials and senior military and police, when delivering the recognition, Fernandez stressed the artistic and human qualities of Beras Goico.
"There are multiple reasons to distinguish Freddy Beras Goico, is inconceivable without it the Dominican Republic, is a hallmark of regency. Freddy symbolizes the best of the Dominican Republic, "said the President.
For his part, the honoree, who last turned 21 this month aged 71, was accompanied by her children Jean Carlos, Laura, Ernesto Beras and his wife Pilar Mejia of Beras Goico, and said excitedly receiving recognition proud, but humility, because as he said all he has done is meet with the country.
"I think it was the hand of the president. One does not work for recognition. How much or how little my lifetime, I hope not to fail ever, "emphasized the artist.
The producer of "With Freddy and point" program broadcast by Color Vision, Channel 9, he thanked God for life, his family and President Leonel Fernandez for this high distinction which he dedicated as a legacy to their children and other generations.
The Order of Merit Duarte, Sánchez and Mella is the highest and most distinguished honor merit award offered by the Republic and the same are distinguished services rendered to the Fatherland, the outstanding merit, benefits to humanity, scientific breakthroughs, outstanding works of art, as well as the facts and meritorious work.
recognition at the meeting, besides the immediate family of the prominent comedian and television producer met friends and colleagues of the profession, as Felipe Polanco (Boruga) and Cuquín Victoria, who celebrated with joyful tribute to Beras Goico.

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Benedict XVI: "Reproductive Health" Justice strikes a human being should be a priority health governments and international institutions

VATICAN, November 18, 1910 / 10:06 a.m. (ACI) .- Benedict XVI says that the so-called "reproductive health"-a term commonly used to include contraception and abortion-fertilization in vitro and the legalization of euthanasia, among other practices, wound the human being and justice in health should be a priority of governments and international institutions. The Pope made this statement in a message sent to Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, and the participants of the 25th International Conference of the Pontifical Council held in Rome these days under the slogan "For a health care and human egalitarian, in light of the" Caritas in veritate ". The Holy Father indicated in the text that" unfortunately with positive and encouraging results, there are opinions and ways of thinking "that hurt the health justice and the man:" I am referring to issues such as those related to the so-called 'reproductive health', with the use of artificial breeding techniques that involve the destruction of embryos, or the legalization of euthanasia. " Given this scenario, the Pope referred necessary" love of justice, protection of life from conception to natural death, respect for the dignity of every human being "that" must be sustained and witnessed, even against the tide: the basic ethical values \u200b\u200bare the common heritage of universal morality and foundation of democratic coexistence. "Benedict XVI explained then "It is necessary to act more intensively at all levels so that the right to health to be effective, promoting access to primary health care." "In our time we are witnessing, on the one hand, attention to health is at risk of becoming drug consumption, medical and surgical, becoming a cult of the body, and secondly, the difficulty of millions people to access the minimum living conditions and essential drugs to heal. "
After highlighting that" it is important to establish a real guarantee distributive justice to all, on the basis of objective needs, appropriate cures, "Pope says "The world of health can not evade the moral rules that should govern not to become inhuman."
Pope also notes that" only if you look at the world through the eyes of the Creator, who is looking for love, humanity will learn to live in the land in peace and justice, fairly allocating land and resources for the good of every man and woman. "

Finally, Pope Benedict XVI expressed his hope that" the adoption of a development model based on paper human central in promoting and participating in the common good, responsibility, awareness of the need to change lifestyle and prudence, a virtue that indicates what has to be done today, forecast of what can happen tomorrow. "


Thursday, November 18, 2010

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Virgen del Carmen visit the Sotero del Rio

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mest Na Mne I Ya Otomshchu Translation

egalitarian Health Pastoral Care in light of the "Caritas in veritate"

Source: Ecclesia Digital

this morning in the Press Office of the Holy See, took place the presentation of the XXV International Conference sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, to be held on 18 and 19 November and the theme this year is: " an egalitarian health care and human, in light of the "Caritas in veritate"

took part in the ceremony the Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, and Monsignor Jean-Marie Mpendawatu, respectively president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, Father Maurizio Faggioni, OFM, professor of bioethics at Alfonsiana Academy, Rome ; Mario Benotti, director general of RAI International, Rome, Domenico Arduini, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Director of Obstetric and Gynecologic Clinic of the University of Tor Vergata, Rome.
The Conference Zimowski archbishop said, "will address the issue of parity of access to basic health services, not just in general sino en sintonía con la dignidad del ser humano y su vocación. (...) La iniciativa coincide con el 25 aniversario de la fundación del Pontificio Consejo para los Agentes Sanitarios, una ocasión que brinda la oportunidad para evaluar los resultados conseguidos y planificar el futuro".

  A la luz de la encíclica "Caritas in veritate", la Conferencia examinará, entre otras cosas, "las perspectivas fundamentales para una promoción de la salud más equitativa y humana, la misión de la Iglesia en favor de los enfermos, el fomento de la asistencia sanitaria antropocéntrica y el papel de la sociedad civil, de la Iglesia y de otras instituciones y organismos Venues in the defense of justice, equity and solidarity in health. "
ROME, 15 NOV 2010 (VIS) .-

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quadriderm Nf Para Acne

Training Course Volunteer Family Clinic Visit

Tuesdays 9 and 16 November at 14:15 hrs. will be held the last training course for volunteers to join the Family Clinic, whose efforts are focused on:
1. Hospital care for terminally ill 2. Visit home for people with HIV / AIDS
3. Attention, welcome and guide the community in general

With great excitement awaits all those who feel the concern of further knowledge the work or wish to participate through their different areas and services such as administration, secretarial, health, shelter, etc.
to channel any concerns or desire to participate call: 2898854 / 2881506 / 2957031 or write to email
Source: Family Clinic - DOP

www.iglesiadesantiago. cl

Santiago, 08/11/201

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Villalona married by the Catholic Church tortured


every day gives new signs of radical change. Its wild life gradually became quiet. And that artist a thousand women a decade ago has only one: Fatima. She was chosen by him to accompany him to the altar first. Yes the Mayimbe of sins (past) wants to marry early in the ceremony which governs the Catholic Church.

"If God wills is the next step I'll give my life, I have talked and just wait for the signal we put on the altar," said Villalona prior to presentation, early Tuesday, Jet Set at the club.

Fatima and he maintained a relationship for two decades, although in the past that all the feelings swirling flow into one of love. "She means so much in my life, I do almost everything, I only need to bathe me," said the artist.

And she, from a corner, added in jest: "I've done." The wedding is not dated. "The will you know, everything will happen as God better believe it." Disco Christian

The Mayimbe continues an extraordinary about "since I search for God." Twenty years ago who was going to say it singing to the Lord Jesus, as it is translating into a Christian album that already has ready to launch to the market and the radio playing on the theme "A new man? Villalona was well placed at the party. The crowd enjoyed his usual repertoire, this time with the Christmas winds that are beginning to blow. Attendees

was his most loyal follower, a 95 year old lady who heard the first complete set, to the astonishment of many. (Written by Ramon Almanzar Listin Diario Ed Esp)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Does Interstitial Cystitis Cause Premature Labor

the image of the Virgin to hospitals

are in the midst of the hustle and bustle that means preparing for the visit of the image of the Virgen del Carmen pilgrim. Begin on November 3 at 9:00 pm. Hospital Roberto del Río. Thus will the Hospital San Jose and then to the National Cancer Institute. End that day in the Hospital José Joaquín Aguirre. On November 16, visit the Sotero del Rio Hospital, 24 Hospital Exequiel González Cortés: 27 Barros Luco Hospital. The last visit to hospital is a whole complex of the Hospital del Salvador on 10 December. There are countless people who have been preparing for these events. We appreciate the traditional groups musicians bands etc.. etc. First visits

Is Implantation Heavier With Twins

The visit of the image of the Virgen del Carmen Pilgrim

is no doubt that our country has experienced some impressive. We started the year with the earthquake and tsunami and have accompanied the drama of the miners trapped in the bowels of the earth. Perhaps most shocking to all believers has been a tremendous crisis experienced in the ranks of the clergy. Yet we recover from the shocking and painful it was for all this misery to look where you least expect to find it. We know that God is provident and drives the story, which is why we watch wondering what we mean by these aftershocks as strong. At first glance we can see how difficult and painful moments have been brought forth from the depths of the hearts of our countrymen the best of them. The movement of solidarity that sprang spontaneously to the misery and clear signs of faith are a testimony that something valuable is sucediente because the Lord wants to give special goods through these events. Placed in context we would like to analyze the significance of the pilgrimage of the image of the Virgen del Carmen, gifted and blessed by the Pope, to all corners of the country. For those who have tracked the passage of that image for the various corners of Chile seems clear that life has awakened. It has been greeted with warmth and anticipation. Now your visit will be in our Archdiocese of Santiago. order to fully understand the significance of this event, as well as the shocking events that we lived, we must place ourselves in the context of the Bicentennial of the Great Continental Mission. The visit of the image of the Virgin gives the perspective that raises Aparecida: An urgent call for the formation of authentic missionary disciples. The Holy Father, in giving its approval for implementation of the Fifth Conference of Bishops in Aparecida posed a clear line: "We need to start all in Christ." A major renovation the Church is given only to the extent that we are again how essential it is to follow Christ as disciples. The Church has always considered Mary not only as the Mother of Christ, but also as his companion and collaborator, is Mother and Educator of the disciples. At the Conference of Puebla, is called "Educator of the Faith." Thus the image path aims primarily recalling the mission she has in the education of the faith and prepare us to let us educate and enliven her. Not enough to praise it and ask for help, we must open ourselves to the formative influence.
The image of the Virgin Mary reminds us that, as a collaborator of Christ in the whole plan of redemption, bringing two gifts: His Son Jesus and the Gospel. Jesus, who is represented in the Child
held by his mother, is the source of vitality we need to renew deeply in faith and the Gospel of Chile shows the way of life which he proposes. The yearning that lies deep in our hearts
we receive such a visit is symbolic of faith filled. We are close to a change of pastor. We ask the Blessed Virgin that we have to welcome the new archbishop to be appointed by the Holy Father to of you can continue to promote vigorously the process of renewal of the Church. This renewed Church must become light in the world and source of unity. The image will visit several hospitals in our Archdiocese. We hope that the welcome is earnest and lucid. All of us have to take Mary into our hearts.

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• At the peak of his life on earth, Jesus made a gesture of enormous significance for the future of his work reveals the position of Mary as a shaper of life as spiritual mother of the disciples. She must comply with them the mission of a mother caring for her children's lives and education.
• John is not at the foot of the cross with Mary, just as an individual. He represents all believers. Represents all of us who follow Christ. The Gospel says that, under the guidance of Jesus, took her home. In the bottom means that led to his personal world, his own heart. So the Church has always understood by inviting us to open the doors of the heart to the Blessed Virgin so that she fulfills her maternal role as a teacher of the faith.
In all critical moments that have passed the life of the Church throughout the centuries, the most committed disciples have risen Lord and have set eyes on Mary. It has always expected the protection, encouragement and training as vital missionary disciples. Chile's Marian tradition can show a clear example of that reality. Mary has been in our history as a devoted mother. Also Today we bring to our personal world as John did on our behalf. The Church is going through a painful and critical. For that reason, from the Fifth Conference held alongside the Marian shrine of Aparecida, the Church wants to promote a Great Continental Mission by the hand of Mary.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Kinda Weave Do Keri Hilson Use???

believe Jimmy Bauer

The bachata was arrested on Monday by authorities AILA, with several bags of cocaine in the stomach, and said a source at www: the golpeadoy cantente was forced to make disclosures ....

Photo tattoo bachatero shows the face of Jimmy Bauer, from his bed at the General Hospital of the Armed Forces where he underwent surgery, and the traits of her face, you can see some signs of violence.

The interpreter ¨ All your stuff ¨, was forced to make disclosures, which need not be done without the presence of legal hand, when he passed out, to the best known this portal.

Bauer, is in a common room of General Hospital of Armed Forces of the Dominican Republic, where he is recovering slowly.