Friday, May 6, 2011

How Can I Hade The Pipes Behind My Pedastal Basin

12 years talking about steroids

Marcelo Jhon, considered "the child prodigy of Sports" will speak on Saturday 7 in the Book Fair

World-renowned sports analyst Dominican age 12 John Marcelo , will demonstrate his vast knowledge on Saturday seven to 7 pm in the Pavilion Dominican authorities the XIV International Book Fair 2011.

The sport prodigy chat with hosts about his book "The Storm of steroids, a baseball problem", besides other issues of baseball, football, and an overview world sport.

John Marcelo has won worldwide headlines by publishing a book that reflects the impact of steroid use in baseball, with his great skills as a sports analyst for their age .

The child has been weighted by the Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Yahoo News, La Vanguardia , Globovision Terra, Univision, Telemundo, EFE, among other world media.

John is the image of a brand of drinking water, a magnetic line of dolls and a baseball game for children and adults. Also every Saturday is a soccer analyst program "Sports Idelfonso UreƱa through 15 and Telemicro Digital International.


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