Friday, April 1, 2011

Milky White Cm A Week Before Period

In light of the paschal mystery

We prepare to celebrate Easter. Contemplating the paschal mystery find an answer to the great existential questions of life. Because our work with patients are in constant contact with human suffering, we need to strengthen again and again our faith. The experience of pain and suffering is universal and inevitable experience, but not always well understood by the generality of men. Even throughout history, to the great thinkers have always been a puzzling because it contradicts head on the deepest longings of human soul. In the depths of the heart yearn for happiness I see in terms of love, peace, welfare and safety . For that reason, when the pain breaks into our life appears as an incomprehensible contradiction that tends to baffle and distressed. We also realize that we who are believers and are willing to accept the will of our Father, the pain hurts us because it breaks the harmony of our existence and we need to take to make us grow spiritually.

Looking universal history that many people find who have had an experience of extreme pain, for example, wars, natural disasters or catastrophic illness, have been tempted to deny God, because it has proved impossible to combine the reality of a good God with the situation trauma they have experienced. Many people living today is actually in the middle of earthquakes, tsunamis and fratricidal wars. That also could happen to us when we experience a very painful test, we wonder, therefore, how to take the pain and how to grow through it.

As believers we are aware that in considering the pain in the light of pure natural reason is presented as something absurd and contradictory, because in itself is some involvement in the killing of those who are intimately focused on happiness. Faith comes to confirm this thought saying that man was created to share the life and happiness of the Creator. The revelation adds us free to be created in the image of God, we should freely choose Him also teaches us that pain is not what God commanded, - not, as many believe a "punishment from God" - but is the result of man's rebellion against Him, whose origin is sin, as a misuse of freedom. Sin meant for all mankind a break with the very source of life and caused death. No wonder, then, that rebellion has a causal relationship with all forms of death and pain we experience. However, in light of that revelation found its positive sense. Without abolishing freedom, the merciful action of God in Christ offers redemption from suffering, transforming it into path of redemption and full life. He redeems the pain, but to achieve that goal of communion and happiness we must do a good use of freedom to adhere to Christ. In this context, the pain, which was the result of sin and alienation from God and happiness, is transformed through Jesus Christ, on the way reunion. That makes sense. At times we experience the drama of pain more acutely we must reaffirm our faith that God does not send suffering, but that in Christ redeems, for that reason, as believers but we suffer, we assume that reality with inner peace and hope .
In the light of faith, pain and suffering take on a dual purpose before our eyes are focused on the restoration of the perfect image of man as God's plan, purifying and freeing of the footprints of sin and, along with that, are intended to translate our identification with Christ through participation in the Passover, to cooperate with Él en su misión redentora.
Ese contexto básico nos ayuda a asumir de una manera positiva la experiencia desconcertante y aflictiva del dolor. Teniendo presente que lo que está en juego, en último término, es la realización del proyecto del Creador, que hizo al hombre a su imagen, descubre el sentido del dolor en el contexto del máximo valor y dignidad que el mismo Creador le concedió: su libertad, su capacidad de amar y de ser solidario hasta llegar a la plena comunión con los hermanos y con el mismo Dios. Los creyentes asumimos el dolor en Cristo para cooperar en la redención. Pasa a ser camino hacia la plenitud de la vida y hacia la felicidad plena.
mystical sense of the pain we discovered in the participation in the life of Christ and the disciples personal contribution to redemption. The genuine commitment to Christ leads us to say with Saint Paul: "I live, but not I, but Christ lives in me" (Ga 2. 18) and from this certainty can add "Now I rejoice sufferings for you, and in my flesh what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for His Body which is the Church, "Col 1.24 The backdrop and the master key to assume a dignified and positive suffering is love that makes us stand in solidarity with Christ and our brothers. The Christian is identified with his Lord, want to participate freely in their lives and play their part in the cross to cooperate in his redemptive mission. The suffering accepted and offered in Christ is the source of life.


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