Friday, December 24, 2010

Mature And Full Figured

medicine in light of the Incarnation

Two thousand years ago, an egg was fertilized prodigiously by the supernatural action of God. Chile

The mystery of the Incarnation of Christ bind the two elements, searchable and past tracing out, science and mystery
Author: Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos after the birth of Christ, we are able to describe all stages of embryo development, but we are making use of faith to understand that the God who gives life, the Creator, the Lord of all things, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Word of the nature of the Father (1), was present at every stage of embryonic development. That and only that is the deeper meaning of the evangelical phrase: "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (2).

What beautiful words: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you: therefore he who is born will be called holy, Son of God!". (3) Thus, in this wonderful union, was a zygote with a chromosome itself. But at the zygote was the Word of God. In the zygote was the salvation of men.

About seven days later came the Attachment of the blastocyst into the lining of the endometrium and God was reduced to nothing that is a human embryo. But the embryo was the Son of God and He was the salvation of men.
alecítico That egg was developed gradually and as it progressed segmentation of the egg, began their differentiation and growth of the outlines of tissues, organs and embryonic apparatus. And that egg alecítico was the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, and He was the salvation of men, of all men, of every human being (4).
And yet in the first month of pregnancy when the fetus measured as 0.8 to 1.5 centimeters, God's heart began to beat with the force of the heart of Mary, and began to use the umbilical cord feed his Mother, the Immaculate Virgin.

The Word of God was absolutely dependent on a human being, but he had complete autonomy genetics.

still have nine months to elapse in which the Word of God floating in the amniotic fluid within the placenta that protected him from the cold and heat and food and gave him oxygen before birth in Bethlehem and view the first human face, surely one of his mother, with newly opened eyes.
That was how Jesus Christ became the firstborn of every creature (5), the new Adam of the new creation.

The Son of God redeemed creation from the most wonderful work of it, man. The redemption of man started from an embryonic state. Therefore, the Catholic physician should pass through this lens to understand their mission: the Son of God was a zygote, an embryo and a fetus, before tinkering around the streets of Nazareth, preaching on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee, or die crucified outside Jerusalem. The Son of God assumed completely, without rebates, the vocation of being human.

Medicine and

creation science in the twentieth century, great progress has been fulfilled. It has almost everything one can identify the human genetic code, has broken the mystery of the origin of life and has penetrated deep into the process of conception. However, it is still a pending issue: the study of man as man in all its depth.
man not as biology, psychology or the man, but of human essence, the man in depth: their ideals, their unspeakable fears, their motivations, their questions and their answers, their beliefs, their emotions, their ability to overcome, disappointments, love and pain.

can say that science is on the threshold of the human spirit as to a foreign country in which it is impossible to penetrate.

But persuasion is a scientist who comes honestly to the study of man: not all end in genetics, or psychology, or psychiatry. There is a spirit than biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics, attention, the same spirit that makes possible investigation.

Man is a psychosomatic unity, soma and psyche. From the embryonic stage involves a mystery and a special dignity, the spiritual being. And the medicine can not forget this.
Today, when we see living human beings as laboratory equipment used or disposed of in the form of frozen embryos, when we see terminally ill patients isolated in rooms equipped with the latest technical advances, but abandoned the warmth and closeness of own, comes to mind a question: is not forgetting the science as depths of man and not just ignoring those that escape their field of study?

The mystery of the mystery man is a being who is a citizen of two worlds.

Animal "? yes. "Biological? yes. But endowed with a spirit elusive, unfathomable. Son of God, brother of Jesus Christ. A being who is social in nature and needs of the human presence of their own to not feel strange in their environment. Imperfect creature suffering pain, but redeemed by Christ.
Intensive Care Units where many patients are struggling between life and death, have been occupied by the art, and be welcomed, leaving out the comforting presence of family or caring spiritual support of the priest. The technique appears to have expired on considerations of the human spirit, when it is necessary complementarity: technique? yes, but without forgetting the intimate dimension of the human spirit that continues to escape the hands of medical science: "Know that the human being infinitely beyond human beings." (6) What must be tragic to see a pediatrician of their expert hands, escaping the child's life!.
often gives the impression that the patient is not a human person, but a biological individual, a very understandable given the technological development of medical treatment, but something that human nature responds to the patient, who suffers, because "the patient wants to feel that the disease is understood as a life event, and healing as an act that helps the living, not the mere defect repair a machine. But at the same time, this is impossible without a certain ethical attitude, that is, without a deep respect for life and without sympathy for her. Emphasize this is not sentimentality, on the contrary belongs to the essence of health attitude. "(7)

The man must exercise control of the creation God entrusted to him, 8 but the domain of creation begins by mastering itself. The doctor is probably someone who lives more clearly the struggle to dominate the creation in the sphere of life and put at the service of man. From research or cures, he is struggling to grasp in depth the behavior of nature and oriented towards the good of mankind, to the preservation of life. But do not forget that this must be done from himself, the molecules of his being, from their own pain and anxieties, from their fears and desires to love and be loved, from his life and, especially, from your spirit. The doctor sees itself serving man, experiencing itself as experienced by their patients, and there must be born a human compassion and a special closeness to the sufferer, with which he uses.

medicine in light of the mystery of

This reflection brings us to another mystery facing medicine in this century: the mystery of pain. The man of the twentieth century is at odds with the pain. We want to eradicate the entire cost of his life, but has begun to realize that is impossible. Hedonism has led us to seek perfect health, eternal youth, the fullness of prolonged forces as long as possible. And through this project, the onset of illness, pain, desolation, becomes bitter unacceptable.
Where is this pretense of perfection when the human being is faced with yet incurable diseases such as AIDS? Where is the art when we have no hand pill immediate remedy? Where is science to the inescapable reality of death? Why human genius has not yet been able to throw his life the burden of the cross?

Human life is full of crosses that we can not shake, thousands of crosses that we play from far or near. There are many human pains are no medical remedy. Faced with this problem, what attitude will you take? Does the of masochistic pleasure in the pain? No, the human being redeemed by Christ, who is in pain a way of love, Christ to the cross.

"The pain and sickness are part of the mystery of man on earth.

is certainly right to fight the disease, because health is a gift from God. But it is also important to read the plan of God when suffering knocks at our door. "(9)

Jesus was not a masochist, but loved the pain refused. (10) That is the basis of acceptance of pain. There's your lesson: "If any man will come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." (11) To go after Christ there to deny himself and take this cross. "Christians must imitate Christ's sufferings, and not try to achieve pleasure. It comforts a pushover when it tells you: Looks the temptations of this world, that of all the Lord will deliver you, if your heart is not far away from him. For precisely to strengthen your heart he came to suffer, he came to die, to be spit upon and crowned with thorns, to listen to insults, to be finally nailed to a cross. All this he did it for you, while you have not been able to do anything, not by him but by yourself. "(12)" For two thousand years since the day of the Passion, the Cross shines as the supreme manifestation of God's love for us. Who are able to accept in your life, how the pain experience, enlightened by faith, becomes a source of hope and salvation. "(13)

The sign of the disciples of Christ is the generous acceptance of suffering, something absurd for Man today and always, a folly, (14), perhaps because, as Saint Paul says, "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God are foolishness to him. And neither can he know it can be judged only spiritually. "(15) And back to the reality of the human spirit, something that is beyond the scope of science.

San Basilio noted: "A menudo, sin embargo, las enfermedades son castigos por los pecados, enviadas para nuestra conversión. El Señor, está escrito, castiga al que ama.(16) Y más aún: "Por eso hay entre vosotros muchos enfermos y muchos débiles, y mueren no pocos. Si nos juzgásemos a nosotros mismos, no seríamos castigados. Mas, al ser castigados, somos corregidos por el Señor, para que no seamos condenados con el mundo".(17)

Por ello, si nos encontramos en condiciones similares, habiendo reconocido nuestras culpas y abandonado el uso de la medicina, debemos soportar en silencio esas penas, de acuerdo a aquél que dice: "La cólera de Yahveh soportaré, ya que he pecado contra él"(18); and we also make amends, to eat the fruits worthy of repentance, remembering back to the Lord saying: 'Look, you're cured sin no more, lest something worse befall you "(19y20).

The disease is also, therefore, of conversion.

His Holiness John Paul II is a master of the meaning of pain, which taught us to find the meaning of this mystery that grips the man. He is a pope very close to human suffering. Is easily identified with the pain of the sick, shared the misery of others, is interested in everything in which man appears attacked physically or spiritually.

still remember, For example, the time in an apostolic visit to Brazil, a child of the slums broke the security cordon and approached the Holy Father to ask for alms. The Pope took his ring and gave it. Behind this gesture reveals the compassionate heart of a man near the pain of others. Seeing

John Paul II can say those words of St. Paul: "Full in my flesh what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for His body which is the Church." (21) is precisely with this thought Pope begins his apostolic letter Salvifici Doloris. It reflects his deep reflections on the meaning of human suffering linked to the cross of Jesus Christ.

Suffering, according to the profound thought of Pope John Paul II, is "truly supernatural and human time. It is supernatural because it is rooted in the divine mystery of the redemption of the world, and is also deeply human, because he, the man finds himself, his own humanity, their dignity and their own mission. "(22)

Pain is the profound moment in which man finds himself.

Those who have worked in the health ministry knows the truth so dramatic that is behind this. Pain is a moment when the man comes face to face with himself, openly, without any attenuation, without distortions.
Pope also said that pain is a test, (23) significant evidence of love, which makes present the love of God in the world. Human suffering is often an expression of love. The pain of the loved one who is no longer with us is a new way to express our love. The same love that was evident prior to touching or hugging, is now pain of absence.

Love and pain are a combination that goes hand in our Christian faith.

Love and pain are realities that are involved, living closely together in Christian imagery that fills our churches, our temples, and in the depths of the hearts of Christians. Hacho love pain and pain always lived in love, following the example of Christ.

Pain without love breeds only bitterness and despair, rebellion and despair. Love without pain is fragile, superficial, incomplete, capricious. The culture in which we are immersed promises happiness in this life and is presented as the hand, something easy to build without too much effort, but humans know by experience that happiness in love requires sacrifice personal donation . The pain may be a way to love and love authentic and complete only get the pain of self-abnegation of self in favor of another.
Pain is also a journey of hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is reflecting the face of the Pietà by Michelangelo, is a pain for his dead son and at the same time, a serene and confident hope that not all end there. There are after. The pain is not the end of human existence, but a step, a Passover to salvation. The pain is salvific.
pain experienced with a sense of eternity is a sign of hope for the world today. Like the "Good Thief" gospel melts and turns to see the suffering of Jesus Christ, (24) and the Christian response to human suffering is surely one of the greatest signs of credibility of the Gospel. OK

serve pain and suffering are the great messages of today's Christianity to a world that often unsupportive despises the sufferer. The pain experienced in the sacrifice for the other is the sign of a disciple of Christ: "Celebrating the Eucharist by eating his flesh and drinking his blood means accepting the logic of the cross and service. In other words, it means being willing to sacrifice for others , as he did. "(25)

Pope John Paul II sees his suffering as a service to the Church.
Suffering is to serve, says in his Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris. (26) is completing the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the Church. The Pope is suffering as a way to live your identity "Servant of the Servants of God." A man whose vocation not to live for himself but for others.

medicine in light of the mystery of love.

This last thought brings us to the keystone of the medical profession, today and forever: a love for the man. Medicine is not a theoretical science that states laws and theories just by following the empirical and theoretical. It is something else, is a science in the service of man in the most valuable in life, it is the basis of the other gifts.

Medicine is a science that is service and service is the most accurate word to define the attitude of Christ towards the man during his life among us and to give his life a ransom for many. (27) The doctor, nurse, health worker, is also someone who serves and gives his life for many men . From his studies, doctor, nurse, health worker, put their lives in the service of others in the self-sacrifice. Many sleepless nights for the sick, how many hours of delivery, many hardships, many sacrifices made for love in caring for neighbors in need!.

Medicine is love that brings relief to pain.

is mercy, loving approach to the patient, which is seen as neighbor suffering. Technical study is to remedy the pain. It's science that approaches the human being, a sinner, but God's beloved child. Medicine is a discipline that man discovers in his high dignity and to God as the ultimate reference of the dignity that goes beyond the limits of their knowledge: "What, or who was the reason for setting up man in such dignity? Certainly, nothing but the unquenchable love you contemplate your creature in yourself and you let yourself captivated by her love.

For the love you created it for the love you gave her a being capable of tasting your eternal Good " . (28) The patient is not only the object of study in medicine, but the neighbor who served with the generous gift of life itself and the admiration of those who know they are meeting a being who holds a dignity and mystery: the dignity of the son of God and the mystery of the indwelling Trinity.
In this sense, medical science is a gift from God which enables man to redeem one of the most visible effects that sin has left in its nature: the disease. San Basilio he explained with a language which is very eloquent in its simplicity:
"Indeed, when our body is lying ill, afflicted by disease or discomfort of various kinds, whether because of external or internal, due of the diet and now suffers from excess, or by the lack, then God, moderator of our existence has given us the gift of medical science, through which redimensionalo superfluous and what grows in very small proportions. In fact, just as if we were in paradise, we would have no way of knowing need not practice agriculture or, in the same way, if we were immune to diseases, such as before the fall, would not need the help of any medicine to cure. However, after being expelled from that place and after hearing: "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread" (29), having spent much effort to cultivate the earth, have invented the art of agriculture to mitigate the harmful effects of the curse of God, while God favored us the intelligence and knowledge of that art.

Well, just because we have been ordered back to the same land which had been formed and are linked to our painful flesh, for death because of sin and therefore subject to disease, we are also offered medical assistance, so that at certain times and to some extent, patients could be cured.

So it's no coincidence that germinated in the soil for plants to cure every disease and, moreover, have been raised by the will of the Creator that alleviated our problems. Precisely for this reason, natural healing that effectively hidden in the roots, the flowers, leaves, fruits and juices in whatever metal or of therapeutic sea are in no way different from the similar items found in foods or beverages.
Christians should worry about medicine use, when necessary, so as not to attribute to it all the causes of good or poor health, but to use the means that she offers to give glory to God .. .
anyway, and certainly not for the fact that some foolishly using the medicine, we must give up its usefulness. Indeed, not because certain intemperate, practicing the art of cooking or baking or fashion, abuse in the conception of things voluptuous, exceeding the limits of necessity, for this all the arts should be rejected by us ...

We are given the benefit of good health, either through the wine mixed with oil, 30 as in the case of one who was found with the thieves, either by means of figs, as in Hezekiah. (31 and 32)

The doctor and health worker cooperating in the fight against the effects of sin, ultimate cause of the disease. The doctors know what it means that redemption of our bodies (33) of which St. Paul speaks. Their struggle against evil biological is a sign of God's love that is regaining the creation by man.

The health worker uses the gifts of God to serve his brothers.

If man, any man can cooperate with God in his saving work, for medicine, the fight against the disorder left by the sin in the world. Doctors and health workers, are signs of this love of God to man. Both men and women who put their lives in the service of man fighting evil and defeating it with good. Sean

instruments of the mercy of God, be present, redeeming love of Christ that welcomes and cure. Do not let your vocation is lost in a cold pragmatism that distant go beyond a technical and natural laws. The doctor, the health worker can be a sign of God's love among men, his brothers, who puts his heart in the midst of human misery. That is mercy, God's weakness and strength.

In two thousand years, humans have learned many things.

has established a deeper relationship with the surrounding reality. We can say that now more accurately called the created world, from the macrocosm to the microcosm. Has discovered the laws that govern life and the causes of the disease, and away from the old unscientific conjectures. In

last few centuries has made great strides in penetrating the major processes of human life. Precisely because of that, now that we know more the man, now that medicine has penetrated the most secret of the transmission of life, we move on art and medical science advances also in the greater respect for this wonderful gift God.
would be worthless if the entire scientific effort that did not result in a more comprehensive service to every human being with respect for their integrity and the prayerful consideration of the spiritual wealth that we manifest in his works, however, gets out of our survey instruments. Respect the man, love the man, Protecting its mystery, its spirituality. Shut
these ideas by referring to Mary, the Mother who gave his own generous for the Incarnate Word (34), and who accompanied the wounded Christ Calvary, (35) covered with sores, abused, with the thirst of dying (36).

Calvary reality is that many lives in emergencies. Mary accompanies the wounded, bleeding and bruised in a scene that can bring comfort to the emergency room. Is he, and from his cross terminal wounded, at his Mother of receiving consolation. So Christians, when we feel overwhelmed by grief, we have learned of Christ to seek refuge in the arms of Mary, as the child is faced with danger and runs to his mother's womb to vent in tears. May she, consoling the afflicted, help the sick, accompany us and help us to investigate all searchable and worship quietly and humbly past tracing.

To see the 3D and 4D images of an embryo in their first weeks of life in the womb, in the first four pictures, click to view the video


Nicene Creed. 2 Cf
John 1.14. 3 Lucas
4 Cf Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Declaration Dominus Iesus, 12-15, 6 August 2000. 5 Cf
Colossians 1.15 to 16.
6 "Apprenez that infinitment passe l'homme l'homme", Blaise Pascal, Pensées. Romano Guardini
7, Ethics, lessons at the University of Munich, c 11, 2, BAC, Madrid 1999, p 715. 8 Cf Genesis
1.28 to 30, 9.7.
9 John Paul II, Homily for the Jubilee of patients and health workers, Rome, February 11, 2000. 10 Cf Matthew 26.39. 11 Cf Matthew 16.24, Mark 8.34, Luke 9.23.
12 San Augustine, Sermon on Pastors Sermon from 46.10 to 11.
13 JOHN PAUL II, Homily for the Jubilee of patients and health workers, Rome, February 11 2000.
14 "For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are being saved for us is the power of God. For it is written I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and mutilates the intelligence of the intelligent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this world? Is not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? In fact, as the world through their own wisdom knew not God in His divine wisdom, it pleased God to save believers through the foolishness of preaching. Thus, while Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom and God's weakness is stronger than the strength of men "(1 Corinthians 1:18-25).
January 15 Corinthians 2.14. Proverbs 16
3.12. Corinthians
January 17 from 11.30 to 32.
18 Micah 7.9.
19 John 5.14. 20 BASILIO
IL GRANDE, Regole lunghe, from 55.1 to 5.
21 Colossians 1: 24.
22 JOHN PAUL II, Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris 31, February 11, 1984. 23 Cf Salvifici
Doloris 23.
24 One of the criminals hanging him, saying, 'Are not you the Christ? Then save yourself and us! "But the other rebuked him saying:" Do you not fear God, you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong. " And he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." Jesus said, "I say to you today shall be with Me in Paradise" (Luke 23.39-43).
25 JUAN PABLO II, Homily at the close of the XV World Youth Day, Tor Vergata, Rome, August 20, 2000, 5. 26 Cf Salvifici
Doloris 27. 27 Cf
Matthew 20.28, Mark 10.45.
28 SANTA CATALINA DE SIENA, Il dialogue Provvidenza della Divina, 13: ed. G. Cavallini (Rome 1995) p. 43. Genesis 29
3.19. Luke 10.30-34
30 Cf. 31 Cf
2 Kings 20.7.
32 BASILIO IL GRANDE, Regole lunghe,
55.1-5 33 "The creation, in fact, was subjected to futility, not of its own, but by Him who subjected it, in hope of being freed from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. We know that the whole creation groans and suffers to this day labor pains. And not only, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, we ourselves groan within ourselves longing for redemption of our body "(Letter of Paul to the Romans 8.20-23). \u200b\u200b
34 Cf Luke 1.38.
35 Cf John 19.25.

36 Cf John 19.28.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ponitac Aztec Camping Equipment

¨ ¨ Out · Roncierto Brugal

The merengueros Hector Acosta, Kinito Mendez, Eddy Herrera, El Cata, Toño Rosario, Los Zacarias Ferreira Bachata, thieves, Frank Reyes, Michell and salsa Secrets urban group X will be in the delivery of the traditional event sponsored by Brugal & Co, to be held on December 31 in Juan Baron Plaza Malecón de Santo Domingo

Organizers Roncierto Brugal ¨ ¨, musical event, which as a gift to the Dominican people each year makes the rum brand Brugal, strangely left out of the show female figures of different musical genres like merengue Milly Quezada, and Juliana, as well as Milka, urban exponent, enjoy the popular taste in now.

Responding to questions from journalists about the absence of re

announced persentación women in the show, executives and arts organizations Brugal mounting only managed to say that the selection of talent is through a survey and based on the perception of the artist stuck in the moment.

Although, during the press conference held Tuesday in the Company's corporate headquarters Brugal & Co, Angel Duvergé, general manager of promotion Brugal said to be a surprise, so the public has an expectation that is a woman.

community, staff and even artists participating in the activity

agreed we need the presence of a female figure in this event, since according to them, there are plenty.

present. Michael Miguel Holguin, Brenda Sanchez, Roberto C Astill o Jari ramirez.

From New York, Frederick Martinez (El Pacha), will be interacting with artists and Dominicans living abroad.

NOVELTY. The show will be broadcast live from 9:00 pm until 5:00 am, in the U.S. only by Television Dominicana, after signing, and Brugal Color Vision of an agreement to transfer the event.

Dominican TV Channel Media World, which brings together the most recognized talent in the Dominican Republic, announced the special transmission Roncierto Brugal in celebrating the end of the year, a special that will air on 31 December live from the 809 Restaurant in Manhattan and directly from the Malecon in Santo Domingo.

The 9 is the channel matrix for the live broadcast in the country. It aired on Channel 25 in Santiago and cable companies Comcast, Dish Network, DirecTV, Dominican TV airwaves via satellite throughout Europe.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Knoxville Geode Store

¨ ¨ Juliana mamboteo reaches

The event is on Thursday 16 December at the usual THURSDAY ¨ ¨ Live Music · referral club located on the promenade of the speakers, near the corner of W. Churchill

Mambo''''The Queen, will come with all his ¨ ¨ mamboteo oo, the nightclub capital city of the metropolis jovial and makes this Thursday December 16 at a concert, which judging by the expectations, give much to speak.

Stupid''The Interpreter''is enlivening from 10 pm to 4 am, where he will perform their hottest hits like''I have been released the single'''' all look at me,''Nightmare''Love,''among others, according to a business management.

Ezequiel Sepulveda, manager of Coyote Club, expressed his satisfaction to be able to offer the public a quality artist Juliana, while announcing the filing of Sergio Vargas for Thursday 23 and with Tito Swing to close Thursday 30 what has been the artistic Billboard Live Music Thursdays Coyote Club in 2010.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Astra Diesel Pump Can U Change The Top

The Coyote Club The days .... Johnny Ventura

(Excerpted from "The Cholo Brenes Gate")

"The pity is that the only movement that has grown is the only one not nominated. And it life gives you surprises and for the first acroartianos gave merengue street and now they are given the hipoperos "Cholo Brenes.

are closing the days when our folk artists began to be proposed as the most outstanding in the past year. I really can not make a list of serious who have been or are. The Cassandra again present the controversial art that has been reduced to four walls. And we are limited in quantity and quality. They are the same.

We have heard and read that there is no respite whole picture of the world discussed. Where are they? Who are they? "When they came out? What did they do?

certainly an uphill battle we answer these questions. In music: ballad, salsa, merengue, merengue urban, hiphop. In the latter, perhaps the only place where they have multiplied and Juri. Have grown, but have grown in YouTube , not in their pockets, so for some writers is not interested. Many of them were sponsored by those who sought and seek to do business through these nonsanto . Come out today and three days have jipeta often give these gentlemen are the Puerto Ricans or "grateful" that manifest and ride our emerging city. Who does not like to go riding? , although the frame that will never create art.

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symbol of Christmas

For Diomelo Martínez Collaboration
December 10, 2010 12:00 AM

Mention Johnny Ventura is talking about meringue, and therefore with joy. This charismatic artist, who has cultivated a discography of 105 works, marked a before and after the cutting popular Christmas music.

were the early 70's when (by the late political leader Jose Francisco Pena Gomez), the merengue meets the composer Edmund Cord (Mundito), who formed a dumbbell that ultimately resulted in issues symbolic of Dominican Christmas as "New Year", "Good Night Again" and "Christmas Songs" on the disc titled Salsa pa 'your pig.

And so the Dominicans find it uphill to conceive this time without the infectious rhythm of this artist, who began his career by chance in life in 1964 after winning an amateur contest at the radio station Voice of Joy . He was then 16 years.

Ventura has managed to play with the sentiment of the people on the content of their songs, as he explained, this time there are people who are happy and others feel sad for whatever reason.

is why we include topics from "Sad Christmas" to "The Neighbor", through "dry law." "Christmas is a time for reflection. Some lived through the experience of a year of excitement, frustration, loss of relatives.

Other goals are forged, happiness, love, heartbreak, and the confluence of feelings is what we bring to the music. That's why we try to make that combination of feelings and translate them into the disc, and all this linked to a single reason: the birth of Jesus, this is perhaps the calve of success, "the artist mused in a telephone interview with The Caribbean.

For the merengue, the key to the success of these meringues, is that their arrangements had the particularity of mixing the major key, usually off a lot of joy, and the minor, which feels a tinge of sadness.

"Ventura Dad" as he called his colleagues merengueros ensures that your stuck on Christmas songs owe it to their fans, which over time has given primacy in this regard.

recalled that his competence in this area, it was Felix del Rosario, who also recorded the time records with topics related to Christmas. "This competition between fans and admirers very hot Christmas," he said.

"A hug Caribbean"

To celebrate this holiday season with his audience, the merengue singer Johnny Ventura is present in the room Piantini Carlos National Theatre, next to Puerto Rican salsa Giberto Santa Rosa. The dates for this big meeting will be the next 21 and 22 December, "It will be an unforgettable event," he said.

Salsa Pa 'your pig (1973) is one of the most successful albums homonyms, which contains songs like "New Year", "Good Night Again" and "Christmas Songs"

"This Christmas" (1981) Who has not enjoyed for many Christmases with the rich melodies of "prohibition" and most centers.

"Christmas Again" (2010) An album of duets with various artists that was nominated for The Latin Grammy's. Other cuts Christmas

Ventura are emblematic: "Rabito Sucker," "The Neighbor" among other albums recorded in normal, totaling 33 tracks of Christmas. (In my writings in the Caribbean)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christian Sympathy For Christmas

Wason Shire and joined by a female toy

The meeting is on Thursday 9 December in Maunaloa Nigth Club, from 8:00 pm

Traas a time off, in the media and the local scene, and l SHIRE singer former member of the famed duo Victor & SHIRE, reappears next to one of the greats, in concert Wason Brazoban ¨ ¨ Two voices called for a toy oo.

The how, which is sponsored by the Institute of Legal Training (INCAL) will be this Thursday, 9 this month in Maunaloa nightclub, located in the Heroes Center of Santo Domingo.

The singer of "Congratulations, I do, your absence, DOUBLY DAMNED, POBRE DIABLO, among others, has been low profile in front of the media, but is kept private and institutional giving presentations both within the country and abroad.

Shire is preparing a new production which began promoting a first item at the beginning of the year as part of release of their career that will return with force scenarios and their presence in radio and television.

How The Stomach Flu Can Affect Your Body

Bachata, even under orders Freddy simboloza

For Diomelo Martínez
December 8, 2010 12:00 AM

Bachata, popular rhythm that many artists have brought fame and fortune, is a genre that could be interpreted without any reserves, both by a man, as a woman.

However, very few (not to say any), the female artists who have succeeded, after embarking on recording a solo album bachata.

With the exception of Sonia Silvestre, who in the 80's transpired with the incursion of technology called bachata, bachata most (around 20 artists) have no "foot ball" part of 'pace bitter.

There are many reasons that producers, promoters and entrepreneurs, among other music professionals, argue in causing the little support they have had women. However, it does not explain how female performers with the requisite qualifications, good management, relationship vocal, as interpreter and a good economic investment were not disclosed.

Cholo Brenes says, in this particular, that the absence of true artistic producers and music business, has resulted in not only the female bachata, but folk music in general, has been stranded.

"She has not yet been attuned to the public, not only in bachata, in other musical genres. Folk music in general has not advanced at all. In addition, producers lack and artistic entrepreneurs, "said Brenes in an interview with El Caribe.

however, are more than enough examples of men who are players in this pace, most with high international recognition and amass a fortune now cost on the basis of his artistic career as bachata.

Silfa For the singer Susan (Mary dear), "is really a macho genre and perhaps the problem is that we women do not play the first guitar (clarinetist), could be one reason."

Meanwhile, the speaker Aridi Castillo argues that "the very public who has rejected the female performers bachata, perhaps for the content of his lyrics, because the bachata is love, heartbreak and broken veins. "

Another reason that developers, as the artistic entrepreneur Carlos Aquino, understand that have affected the growth of many catantes of this style of popular music is that "women are not left bachateros manage, and want them to sing what they Like, not commercial. " Women

international success

Sonia Silvestre arrived in the early 80's with their techno bachata, and with songs like "Want to sleep" and "watchman", written and musical production of Luis Dias and Manuel Tejeda, broke the spell of negative female performers of bachata.

Another exception, in this sense we might mention, is Alexandra, who after breaking with the famous duo is looking for ways to confer upon the success he enjoyed with Monchy, now alone. Alexandra's voice, with its melody and nuances, is the most outstanding in the pace once bitter. (In my writings in the Caribbean)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Older Ladies In Girdles

Virgin Sotero del Carmen

In April, the Virgen del Carmen gift from Pope Benedict XVI

the Bicentennial, began a pilgrimage across
Maternal his comfort in this land affected by major disasters, political changes and the celebration of the bicentennial, teaching who accepts to feel Missionaries of Christ. ago a couple of months members complex Hospital Pastoral care received exciting announcement from the Father Jaime Fernandez
M. Hospital Pastoral Vicar of the Archbishopric of Santiago:
Mary the Virgin Mission
También vendría a nuestro Hospital
  ¿Cómo he merecido yo que venga a mí la madre de mi Señor? (Lc 1,43)

Con gran alegría en los corazones, todos los miembros de la Pastoral Hospitalaria en un mismo espíritu     iniciaron    los preparativos para este encuentro. Cada uno por separado y   reuniéndose  

with increasing frequency,
were outlining the route, stations pay homage to the Virgin and preparing the details that inspire the Nearness of the Mother. A common desire is manifest in the heart of the organizers and members Pastoral : "We wanted all Complex Patients Officials and felt the visit of the mother. "
The day of the visit was seen early on a different atmosphere, cheerful, lively, beautiful person you saw where the Pilgrim would stop, review the details and providing the means at its disposal The Caritas volunteers brought rosaries and pictures were developed memory curbs, and people began to gather. Not without setbacks, the Director, issue a last minute apologized by sending a representative instead we had some unforeseen
details, but of course, Mary is Mother and

we solved it admirably.
started receiving the Spirit appeared and began living and spontaneous praise to the Mother, The Casr Chaplain Father Lorenzo Packing gland opens
ceremony and after the formal greetings of Dr. Elisa Llach and a slip of the Grupo Folklorico, the procession gave way to

that surrounded with prayers and songs Casr facilities. is prepared 7 stations detention at which point they were blessed adjacent services. petals of flowers were offered to the passage of the virgin.
The emotional meeting with the participation of our pastoral vicar Father Jaime Fernandez, the Episcopal Vicar for the area of \u200b\u200bthe Maipo
Father Aldo
Coda, Barnabite Community Representatives to which the chaplain belongs Casr., His Father Paulo Talep Pastor, Deacons
Epuñan Patricio and Patricio Navia latter, representing the Hospital Padre Hurtado and Pastoral Prayer, representatives of seminarians
Barnabites and voluntary groups: Caritas, Legion of Mary, Ladies in Red, among participants
and a considerable number of patients, staff and friends.
Under trees Casr the central square, The beautiful picture of the Virgin presided the liturgy in the words of Father Aldo, Del Deacon Patrick Epuñan, Del Dr. Juan Villagrán and ; in other readers and the choir of Dr. Anucha.

Many staff, patients, elderly, youth and children, came on this day, some with tears in his eyes, to be close to our mother to send their pleas and thank you for many favors granted. And the faith of the people expressed hope, confidence, exhausted and prayer beads distributed in songs excited and tears at the departure of our Mother, which leads us as pilgrims we are, to Jesus Christ, the "heavenly homeland."
be appreciated commitment
the brothers of the Pastoral

, cooperation
from different fields according to its own building: writing letters, making posters, outreach work, coordinating with the Director of Hospital, decorating , leading the procession, reading in the liturgy, singing , forming a single body, with Church, where all come with joy to plant unity through Jesus Christ love and respect for human . Our Mother Maria del Carmen, Chile Queen, Queen of Sótero (such as praise in the procession) is now a member of the pastoral Hospital, and to make clear is caught our logo on his belt.

For the most beautiful ornament of a Mother

Piety is their children ....

Name For Tutu Business

Visit Queen of the image of the Virgin to hospitals

's visit hospitals image aroused much life. On November 3 began in the Hospital Roberto del Rio, San Jose and then e National Cancer Institute. It was an experience full of warmth and faith. On November 16 he visited the Sotero del Rio Hospital.
On 24 visited the Hospital Exequiel González Cortés, and despite the strike, was very well received. 27 to Hospital Barros Luco. A visit filled with bands and dancing venues. The last visit to hospitals will be at the Salvador Hospital complex on 10 December. Later
will complete chronicles.

Moon Elizabeth - Ostatnia Sprawiedliwa

The life of our Church will become one flock

The birth of the Church in America, so far from their center of life in Rome and at a time when communications were very difficult, psychologically caused lack of interest occurred about Church events in the world. That, somehow, has continued over time despite the speedy communications. It is common for Catholics working or are not aware of the important events of the Church or of the documents emanating from the Holy See. For example, for many Catholics is remote that the Pope has sent the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Dei. Normally they will be few who read it. Moreover, few people know what those "Exhortations" fruit of the Synod of Bishops to draw guidelines for the church fund.
The objectives of this last papal document are "reporting the results of the Synod, to rediscover the Word of God, a constant source of renewal of the Church" and "promote the biblical pastoral animation, be witnesses of the Word "and finally" begin a new evangelization. "
Aparecida ago a call to discipleship and drives to take a step of maturation as a church and that means we must start to worry about what happens in it. We must overcome the reality that Catholics are aware of what's happening in your church through a press that only highlights the scandals.
In that vein, we would comment that Benedict XVI invited all members of the College of Cardinals to a special day of "reflection and prayer" to discuss together the new realities that concern Church. Summoned to the eve of the consistory in which he named 24 new cardinals On Saturday the 20 were given the insignia of the new post.
hundred fifty cardinals met with Pope to discuss some of the thorniest issues for the Catholic Church at this time: the pedophile priest cases
, lack of freedom for Christians living in conflict zones in the world, especially in the Middle East, and opening the Anglican Catholic Church who want to return. Looking at the topics discussed, it is easy to see the current concerns of the Church. The meeting took place in the New Synod Hall of the Vatican. The Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, addressed the issue of religious freedom in the world because we are going through a period when they are intensified the persecution of Christians especially in the Muslim world. The prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Antonio Cañizares, reflected on "the liturgy in the life of the Church today" looking to give a new impetus in this field. Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, recalled the ten years after the declaration "Dominus Iesus." Closed the day William Levada, head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who spoke about the constitution "Anglicanorum coetibus" which opens the door to the massive conversion of Anglicans to Catholicism. Became aware that we are living a process that re-stimulate the desire to become one flock under one shepherd. " He recalled that on 8 November, five Anglican bishops of the Church of England announced his resignation from the Church of England and his determination to join in a personal Ordinariate in full communion with the Catholic Church. Finally, we reflected on how to "Response as a Church to cases of abuse", that is, the painful issue of pedophilia. Earlier, on 6 and 7 November, Benedict XVI visited Spain. The world media highlighted the sad and negative aspects of the visit, especially the gay protests at Pope's passing. Instead Tarraconense Episcopal Conference and the Archbishop of Santiago consider that opened a new era of spiritual renewal. Wrote letters of thanks. "We propose and propose to the entire Christian pilgrimage in Catalonia, a new springtime of the spirit, a new missionary efforts in the service of society and a generous delivery to smaller and need, "say the bishops of Catalonia.
These comments are meant to help us be willing to follow the life of the Church throughout the world. That effort to be well informed is a sign of Christian maturity .

How Long Does A Shingle Outbreak Last

As you sent me to the world, I have sent them to the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they may be sanctified in truth. I pray not only for these but also for those who, through his word, believe in me, May they all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, to be one as we are one: I in them and thou in me, to be perfectly one, and the world know that you sent me and hast loved them as you have loved me
(Jn 17, 18-23)
In the "High Priestly Prayer, Jesus prays for unity . The hope that there is only one flock under one shepherd has remained alive in the Church throughout the centuries.
The unit is not only distinctive, but it expresses the essence of the Church as sacrament of unity and reflection of the Holy Trinity .
The wiles of the devil against the church have always been aimed at creating division within. To be minor signs of a return to Christian unity reappears with all his might that anhel
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