At the beginning of the third millennium of the coming of Christ to the world, John Paul II raised the whole Church a large program. In his encyclical Tertio Millennia Adveniente formulated it by saying "make the Church home and school of communion." That program was a response to a double imperative: A fidelity to his mission of the Church and the need to respond to the deep longings of modern man. The Chilean Church from Aparecida is looking for ways to implement the guidance of the Holy Father, in the last analysis is a call to seriously cultivate the "Spirituality of Communion."
To properly address the issue, so that they understand exactly what we are being asked at this time as members of the Church, should begin by clarifying what is meant by spirituality. We are talking about that spiritual strength based on the great truths of revelation captures the subjective world and the deepest longings of the people, influencing and boosting its daily lifestyle. The rational part is in stock truths of faith revealed by Christ and not on purely subjective evaluations. The dynamic that drives life comes from the teaching collection of the subjectivity of people to answer their existential longings. It means, therefore, that spirituality touches the hearts of the people and not be left alone in an intellectual vagary. The energizing influence of the Christian life is the barometer to assess the authenticity of a spirituality. The forms of expression show that there remains only pure knowledge or desires, but that takes shape in everyday life. An authentic Christian spirituality encourages holiness.
can not promote genuine Christian spirituality without an intimate and clear depth of the great truths of revelation we have received through Jesus Christ. It is important, therefore, carefully consider those truths of revelation to invite to live in communion and give meaning to the efforts and sacrifices required by their culture. The first truth of faith that invites communion is that we are created in the image and likeness of God is a communion of three distinct Persons. Fidelity to the source and the model required to reflect the Holy Trinity living in a loving communion with God and men. It is the first reference and gives coherence to the human project. The second fundamental truth comes from the orientation del Señor nos dio como objetivo y como signo distintivo el amor fraterno. En la oración sacerdotal al final de la Última Cena ora diciendo:"Que sean uno como Tú y Yo somos uno” y ya antes había puesto el amor fraterno como signo distintivo de sus discípulos: "En esto conocerán que son mis discípulos, en que se aman unos a otros”. Teniendo ese telón de fondo, en el Concilio Vaticano II se reformuló la identidad de la Iglesia diciendo: “La Iglesia es en Cristo, sacramento e instrumento de unidad de los hombres con Dios y de todo el género humano”. Esto significa que el Señor nos proyecto como signo e instrumento de unidad con Dios y con todo el género humano.

Los efforts to cultivate the spiritual meaning of communion should be easily understandable and clear objectives. Of the many components that have a spirituality of communion, JuanPablo II highlighted five key aspects: It requires a change in the look, you have to cultivate a cordial eyes or heart to see the person and look benevolently. Not seek or sacarprovecho instrumentalize it. Welcomes the person. It is not purely functional. Requires the cultivation of sufficient sensitivity to feel his brother as a gift from God for him. Endorses their needs, sorrows, joys and sorrows. Requires the cultivation of the ability to discover the imprint of God brothers in all the positive things in them. Passes over the miseries and stops at what is good in everyone. It requires a conscious effort to give space to accept his brother originality and mission, listening and sharing with him, according to their desires and needs. Does not exclude or marginalize, not ignore or devalue it helps you grow, to do originally and fulfill their mission. Requires work to make this educational principle spirituality of all Christian communities. This means that within the multiple goals that may have a Christian community, the cultivation of fellowship should be the most fundamental.
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