Virgen del Carmen, MaipĂș Being on the eve of the celebration of the bicentennial of our country, it is unthinkable that we refer to him trying to discern the voices of the time referred to as voices of God. We that, in the light of faith, the celebration of important historical dates for each community is an invitation to stop, look back at this and looking forward to detect the footprints of God in history. This also applies to Chile in Bicentenario.No enough just to organize external festivities, which passed without leaving any trace, we must seize the event to grow in the values \u200b\u200bof the national heritage. certainly the way it assumes a celebration of this type depends on the meaning to be given to the story. For many it will simply be the story of events of the past and the occasion to highlight the great historical figures. For others it will be an opportunity and an excuse to celebrate holidays or making popular monuments. For believers, however, is a call to discover God's plan in its history. God is the Lord of history and he led every step of it as a wise plan. 's look back over two centuries of republican life invites us to recognize the gifts received from the Lord, to value and acknowledge that with which we have been enriched to apologize for the injustice, lack of solidarity and faith and see that there are wounds to heal and tasks that are pending. Just because a thorough examination of the roots of their own identity and culture gets a boost that leads to mature as a nation that takes its identity and character. The coincidence of the Bicentennial celebration of the life stream Aparecida arisen around it seems providential. We celebrate this historic day on the horizon for the convening of a new evangelization in the Aparecida meeting invited us to deepen and revitalize the restart everything discipleship in Christ order to proclaim in word and testimony, but with consistent support life. For 200 years the Church has tried to evangelize our people giving vital support to the development of the nation. But now, in a time of radical change, we ask for a radical review and revitalization. The great challenge of this crucial moment in history is to evangelize the new culture and shed the light of Christ, the new mentality. |
Chilenos en el Vaticano
Speaking of Chile can not forget that we live in a global village and that we are dealing with all peoples of the earth. We are continually receiving influences from other peoples and other ways of thinking. Therefore, we can say that Chile is not complete, is an ongoing task. It is the task of engaging with our national identity (soul of Chile) amid a time of radical change. We must stop trying to understand what our "story" and our "identity" to protect and cultivate what gives meaning to our national life and our social life. Consistency is the people integration of past and present and future projection. Celebrating an era of history can not consist only remember events and highlight relevant figures. Not enough narrative of past events, it should make an effort to better suit the plan of God.
At first glance we see that Chile's history has been marked by the special presence of the Blessed Virgin. The statue of the Immaculate in the top of Cerro San Cristobal and Mary's Month celebration, we show that Mary is distinctive trait of our people. Along with this feature so beautiful, we realize that there are two trends that represent distinctive aspects of our uniqueness: The great sensitivity to events that require the solidarity of the community and the natural tendency to respect the legal management. These features and many others, should give pause to preserve and enhance the national heritage at this time of change of mentality and customs.
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